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旧约 - 撒母耳记上(1 Samuel) 第10章 第2段

中文 你今日与我离别之后,在便雅悯境内的泄撒,靠近拉结的坟墓,要遇见两个人。他们必对你说,你去找的那几头驴已经找着了。现在你父亲不为驴挂心,反为你担忧,说,我为儿子怎么才好呢?
英文 When thou art departed from me to day, then thou shalt find two men by Rachel's sepulchre in the border of Benjamin at Zelzah; and they will say unto thee, The asses which thou wentest to seek are found: and, lo, thy father hath left the care of the asses, and sorroweth for you, saying, What shall I do for my son?

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