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旧约 - 耶利米书(Jeremiah) 第43章 第6段

中文 加利亚的儿子约哈难和一切军长却将所剩下的犹大人,就是从被赶到各国回来在犹大地寄居的男人,妇女,孩童,和众公主,并护卫长尼布撒拉旦所留在沙番的孙子亚希甘的儿子基大利那里的众人,与先知耶利米,以及尼利亚的儿子巴录,
英文 Even men, and women, and children, and the king's daughters, and every person that Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard had left with Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan, and Jeremiah the prophet, and Baruch the son of Neriah.

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